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SEMA Show Brings the Automotive Industry to Las Vegas

Release Date: 03 Nov 2018   |   Las Vegas, NV
SEMA Sunset
LAS VEGAS --  The SEMA Show at the Las Vegas Convention Center represents the $43 billion automotive aftermarket. It is the only trade show that brings together every segment of the automotive industry, from hot rods and off-roads, to mobile electronics and collision repair. With more than 2,400 exhibiting companies and attendees from all over the world, the SEMA Show is where the hottest, newest automotive products debut.
To wrap up the show was SEMA Cruise and SEMA Ignited...the official SEMA Show afterparties where a parade of vehicles for all to see took place just outside the Las Vegas Convention Center, while the Top 12 of the SEMA "Battle of the Builders" showed off their hot rods to conventioneers who also enjoyed music, entertainment and food.
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