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Las Vegas Great Santa Run

Release Date: 01 Dec 2018   |   Las Vegas, NV
OV Elvi
LAS VEGAS -- Thousands of Santas descended on downtown Las Vegas at the Fremont Street Experience the morning of Dec. 1, 2018, for the annual Las Vegas Great Santa Run. Each year the Santa Run attracts thousands of runners and walkers from all over the Las Vegas Valley --  including families, businesses, and individuals -- as well as visitors from around the world. Las Vegas entertainers Human Nature were on hand with Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn G. Goodman, former Las Vegas Mayor and Las Vegas Host Committee Chairman Oscar B. Goodman to kick off the event. Not only were there Santas, but there were also a Grinch and plenty of Elvi! Proceeds from the event benefit Opportunity Village, a local Las Vegas not-for-profit that serves adults with intellectual disabilities.
Credit video: Erich Albl/Las Vegas News Bureau
Credit photos: Sam Morris/Las Vegas News Bureau
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