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Bellagio Celebrates Fall with Greek Myth-inspired Floral Display

Release Date: 26 Sep 2018   |   Las Vegas
Fairies populate the autumn display as it is unveiled at the Bellagio Conservatory and Botanical Gardens
LAS VEGAS -- The Bellagio Conservatory and Botanical Gardens new floral exhibition celebrating the season’s splendor with vibrant shades of autumn, pumpkins of all shapes and sizes and comforting aromas, is now on display at the Bellagio in Las Vegas.
Envisioned by renowned designer Ed Libby and the Bellagio Horticulture team, the display is inspired by Greek mythology and tells the story of summer’s transition into autumn. Scents of chrysanthemums, carnations and roses enchant visitors while oversized oak, birch and maple leaves cascade in translucent splendor overhead, heralding the season’s debut.
Titled “Falling Asleep,” the tale begins in the East Garden as visitors walk through a 25-foot gilded pavilion covered in gold and burgundy foliage. Lined with massive pumpkins and four bubbling fountains, the hand-painted walkway guides guests into the whimsical gardens. Sparkling oak leaf chandeliers embellished with crystals and rust-colored foliage illuminate a soft glow over the pathway.
The West Garden features a sleeping figure of Persephone, daughter of Greek gods Zeus and Demeter, adorned with 38-foot wings and a dress made from hydrangeas, roses and oak leaves. She rests against a peaceful waterfall that flows into a small pond. Three 14-foot waterfall fairies watch over Persephone among the giant cattails and a 24-foot Birch tree with 30 hand-painted leaves.
According to myth, Persephone spends half of the year away from her mother, the goddess of growth and fertility. Overcome with sadness while her daughter is away, the weather chills, and vibrant greens turn to reds and browns as fall creeps over the earth. When Persephone returns to her mother in the spring, nature once again blooms into life.
Nearby in the North Garden, two 25-foot tigers surrounded by magnificent vegetation watch over the Conservatory and greet passersby with a watchful eye. Made from yellow lentils, red and black cargo rice, and caraway seeds, the tigers are nestled among two floral sculptures made from more than 2,000 vibrant roses. Tropical blooming trees, birds of paradise and cattails surround the exotic garden, complete with a soothing rain curtain that flows over a fallen log, providing a restful perch for the observant tiger.
A family of wily foxes frolic and gather food for the coming winter in the South Garden. The mother sleeps in a hollowed log while the daughter watches her father and brother play among a bed of amber flowers and giant acorn topiaries, made from 1,700 carnations. A 28-foot enchanted talking tree provides shelter for two animated peacocks that fluff their feathers and call to each other from neighboring branches. During the evening, dragonflies dance above the garden.
Bellagio’s Conservatory and Botanical Gardens is complimentary to the public and open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The Fall exhibition will be on display through Nov. 25.
Stats and facts about "Falling Asleep:
45,000: Total number of flowers on display for the duration of the exhibit
2,600: Number of roses in each floral sculpture
1,700: Number of flowers used to make the acorn topiaries
125: Team members who participate in the display’s assembly
38 feet: Length of Persephone’s wings
25 feet: Height of gilded pavilion
25 feet: Length of tigers
24 feet: Height of Birch tree
24 feet: Tropical blooming tree
18 feet: Height of cattail
16 feet: Floral sculptures diameter
13: Number of water-emitting devices creating fountains in the Conservatory & Botanical Gardens
14 feet: Height of each waterfall fairy
12: Number of varieties of Chrysanthemums featured in the harvest display
8 feet: Pomegranate diameter
7: Number of draped crystal chandeliers
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